Would you like a date?

If you use dynamic dates and would like for the dates to not show excessive characters then try the below formula, just replace [start date], and [end date] with the fields that contain the start and end date…..
=IF(AND(DAY([Start date])=DAY([End date]),MONTH([Start date])=MONTH([End date]),YEAR([Start date])=YEAR([End date])),TEXT([Start date],"D Mmmm YYYY"),IF(AND(MONTH([Start date])=MONTH([End date]),YEAR([Start date])=YEAR([End date])),TEXT([Start date],"D")&" - "&TEXT([End date],"D Mmmm YYYY"),IF(AND(YEAR([Start date])=YEAR([End date])),TEXT([Start date],"D Mmmm")&" - "&TEXT([End date],"D Mmmm YYYY"),TEXT([Start date],"D Mmmm YYYY")&" - "&TEXT([End date],"D Mmmm YYYY"))))

Examples and what will happen…
  1.  5 March 2010 – 5 March 2010
    •  Will equal…. “5 March 2010”
  2.  5 March 2010 – 6 March 2010
    • Will equal…. “5 – 6 March 2010”
  3.  5 March 2010 – 6 April 2010
    •  Will equal… “5 March – 6 April 2010”
  4.  5 March 2010 – 6 April 2011
    •  Will equal… “5 March 2010 – 6 April 2011” (What were you expecting the Easter bunny!! :-) )
If you know a better way why not let me know and we can create useful code for all.


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